Email sent to Minister for Health Simon Harris regarding our meet request
Sent 5/10/2016
Dear Minister,
Further to the full support from the ‘Southern Regional Health Forum’ I would like to ask for an opportunity to meet with you and discuss our campaign which highlights just how crucial it would be to have routine detailed screening available to all expectant mothers.
With a routine detailed 20 week scan put in place this will relieve much strain for Crumlin as plans can be put in place prior to the birth. Currently babies who need immediate medical attention must wait for the arrival of an ambulance then they must be transported to Dublin which can take a considerable amount of time, which in most cases they simply do not have.
If a routine detailed 20 week scan was implemented and a diagnosis was made prior to the birth, a surgical plan can be made and the mother would have the opportunity to make arrangements to deliver her baby in Dublin which would also increase the survival rate of the baby. We understand that our daughter could not have been saved, however we are speaking from our own personal experience as we wish no other parent to have to go through what we have gone through, we are also speaking on behalf of the hundreds of parents who have contacted us and bravely shared their stories of babies who did pass away because a diagnosis was not made.
Minister we ask if you could meet with us at your earliest convenience to discuss our campaign further, we hope through our letter to you, you can understand the urgency to address the current screening procedures and hopefully going forward we could have an opportunity to work alongside the HSE.
Thank you for your time, and we look forward to receiving your response.
Kindest regards
Jazmine Sands
Response from office of Minister for Health Simon Harris
Received on 11th October 2016
Ref: MSH953-16
Ms Jazmine Sands
Dear Ms Sands
I wish to acknowledge receipt of your recent letter requesting the Minister to meet with you to discuss your campaign to have routine detailed screening available to all expectant mothers.
Your letter will be brought to the attention of the Minister at the earliest opportunity.
Yours sincerely
David O'Connor
Private Secretary
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